Monday, December 2, 2013

Brew Kettle & Hot Liquor Tank Upgrades

This weekend, SBBC upgraded our brewing equipment. The keg we were given by a FD member, was updated to a keggle. This upgrade will give us the capability to brew 10 gallon batches. We added a ball valve with a 5/8 inch diptube , a 3 inch face thermometer and a sight glass. The sight glass will allow us to see the volume in the keggle with a quick glance. We also upgraded the Hot Liquor Tank (HLT). We added a combination sight glass / 2" thermometer. This will allow us to fill the HLT on the top tier of the stand and heat it as well. This will make brewing safer, by keeping us from hoisting several gallons of hot water up onto the top tier. Each vessel sight glass was calibrated one gallon at a time and labeled with decals. We will be able to brew with the new setup as soon as we buy a pump to move the water and wort. Please enjoy some photos below.

HLT and Keggle all done 

New Keggle

Upgraded HLT

All calibrated

Keggle calibrated as well

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